Wednesday 26 September 2012

Hope for my own generation?

As I have started to fall into place in my new school, new section of life, I see patterns emerging in my day to day routine.

One of them, is traveling to and from school on the public bus. Yes, the little lower school invalids have both right and reason to raise hand gestures at me through the window and refer to me as a "bus wanker", but without it I would be going nowhere fast.

There are many things I like and dislike about taking the bus, but a positive that far outweighs the negatives is simply the entertainment it provides.
I do not outright eavesdrop on the adolescent conversations, as each journey I get through at least one indie or folk album on my iPod, but sometimes at quiet bridges and song interchanges, I do have to make effort to contain my laughter and stuffle my snorts.

As amusing as their conversation is, sometimes, the Alpha male of the chav-tastic clan comes out with some rather serious and supprising statements. Not an hour ago on my last bus journey, "Brad" as the Beta male refers to him as, said this:

"Yeah I sold my X-Box. I've got much better things to do with my time than to sit on my arse playing COD. I just got so angry with it, I didn't need all the unnecessary stress."

That, right there, was raw logic.
Admittedly, that time is now spent smoking cannabis in various alleyways, but does this mark progress in shell-suit-uniformed chav mentality? If the alpha has come to that conclusion, he will have significant influence over the rest of the pack. If this means eviloution and re-moulding of minds, in aproximately 30ish years time (their generations are less spaced, as apparently the use of any form of protection during sexual intercourse "is for gays") then maybe the entire clique will join the rest of society, and our villages, towns and cities will run like clockwork.

It's just a thought, with a drop of imagination to picture a possible future, but maybe it will prevail and become reality. What a nice thought.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is lowering its standards. Its starting with the fortune cookies.

- Pinchh

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Me again.

I went to the Lake District. Its beauty blew my mind.
Being a lover of photography, i went snap-happy on the lush rolling sheep-speckled landscape. However, i knew i had forgotten to pack something, so sure enough it was my camera charger, so i only grabbed a handful of pieces i am proud of.

As much as i do love the rain, i do not love an entire week of it, whilst i am on holiday, stuck with pessimistic people who dislike it somewhat. This lead to walks in the.. hydrated.. hills, with in itself led to my family (and admittedly at times, myself included) becoming delusionally bored due to the restriction on activities.
I stayed litterally on the shore of lake Windmere, in a glorified caravan/"lodge" park. The radiator in my bedroom was broken so i caught a cold which wasnt exactly fun, but it hit when i was on my last day there so it wasn't so terrible.

On the only day that there WAS a sunbeam, i flew. I ran off a cliff attatched to a paragliding wing, and i flew. It was liberating. I highly reccomend it to the non-accident-prone adrenaline junkies out there. Theres something about soaring hundreds of feet above the ground, sailing silently with the border of scotland in the horizon. I didnt want to touch my feet on the ground ever again.

Unfortunately i did have to litterally get my head out of the clouds, then return home. Today was my first day of VI form in a strange new school. Yesterday was the last day of my freedom of my childhood. Today has been somewhat surreal, and i still havent got used to saying "I used to go to <blaarg> high school". I met some truly lovely friendly people, but i still cling to high school. Don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed starting a (apologies for the true cheese in my phrasing) "new chapter" in my "book", but it is still yet to sink in that i have really "turned the page". I dont think i properly left my old school, my heart is still kinda there.
Maybe its because of all the friends and even a handful of teachers i know i miss, the familiarity, the simple knowledge of the colour scheme in the corridors, but i know that eventually i will detach myself, and this saddens me. I dont want to, not yet.

I'm not quite there yet, but i will be.