Wednesday 28 September 2011

28/09/11. Inventive title, right?

Babble. Thats what i'm going to do. Babble at you.

So, who else saw Ronan Parke's cover of "what makes you beautiful"? pretty damn good right? Yeah.. before he got all famous from Britains Got Talent I half knew that kid. He used to go to the same singing school as me. Used to wait to go into our lessons together. If i was in my lesson when he was across the hall in his, you could hear him belting his little lungs out over the rest of the racket.

In other news, today it was hotter than it was for the majority of the summer. Had to waste it baking in a classroom allong with 29 other roasting pupils. Funfun. Yesterday i also received a plesant email from LOVEFiLM informing me that they were gining me a gift code for £15 on! I spent it within half an hour on 8 CD's. You'd be supprised how thrifty i am.

I really don't have anything further to say, appart from the rumour of the existance of my youtube channel is spreading throught my school like wildfire. I'm either screwed, or about to get many more subscribers.

Friday 9 September 2011

Ten Months Later. Ish.

Well. Haven't I been Busy.

I've changed. For the better. Much has happened. I exhibited my photography, compleated two full GCSE's and not fail miserably in them, and completed at least the first half of others. Christmas was actually much beter than anticipated, despite the absence of a countdown callender.

Summer has also been and gone. I went to Newday 2011, a christian festival at the norfolk showground and had one of the best weeks of my life, and then after that went to Antalia on the south coast of Turkey for 10 days. Far too hot for me but it was still rather pleasant meeting new people and trying new foods etc, but most of all going PARASAILING! I want to take up Paramotoring now. Alas, i do not live near enough to large amounts of water for parasailing my paramotoring i can do when i come across a large sum of money.

In more recent news, i came extremely close to owning a Tortoise. My parents led me to believe i could have one until they found out that it couldnt jsut live outside all the time. I was most displeased. I'm still working on it though. I thought of names and everything. I would mostly like a male and name it Albert or 'Albie' for a nickname, but if it turned out to be female i would simple go with Mo.

I shall keep this post short and sweet despite the large period of time i should have made up for with postings on this blog, but i also just started up a new blog for purely my phtogoraphy-ness. Read it. Notice how i care for gramatical errors in that one. Not that anyone reads this blog but hey. I'm being optimistic. Pinch outt.