Monday 20 August 2012

Post-Newday2012. Yes, miracles happen.

Well then, last week was an eye opener.
From last Monday afternoon, until Sunday morning I was camping at the christian festival Newday. Last year as I mentioned before was my first time going, and this time I knew what to expect and knew the people around me on my site, making the whole week considerably more entertaining than last. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting new people, its just easier when you already know said people and can joke about more from the first day.

This year, I had the better mindset and insentive to wake up earlier whatever/wherever i am waking up to, therefore made it to the 9am prayer meetings, which really set me for the day. Up until recently I found it somewhat uncomfortable praying aloud, as unless I have suffiicient time to think of how to explain what I mean, as I am hopeless at using my words in a verbal context. However, the prayer meetings allowed me to practice and thus I have considerably improved.

I squeezed every last drop of what I could out of the event. I attended numerous seminars on topics from suffering to sex. It has to be said, the relationships seminar was most interesting. As you would expect, the notion of sexual relations outside of a marriage was discouraged, but did not make me feel regretful of anything I have done, or indeed plan to do. I feel bad that I don't feel bad.

The biggest and most significant evening for me personally was the healing evening. For over the past three years I had been suffering with tendon damage to my right thumb, and had severely weakened my ulnar collateral ligament due to repetitively snapping it.

The injury originated from a skiing accident on a dry skii slope, when I failed to perform a parallel turn. My left skii caught on my right and threw me to the ground. In the process, in a feeble attempt to stop myself tumbling down to the base of the decent my thumb was caught in one of the hexagonal holes between the brisles. It was wrenched backwards, ripping and snapping everything besides the bones.
As time went on, my tendons healed. However, where they welded themselves back together with a slight overlap, they had made themselves shorter, reducing motion and making them prone to tear under pressure. As an accidednt prone person, it created a vicious circle, until I had to give up my career as an amateur wicket keeper for the Norfolk Under 15s Cricket Team.
From then on I was unable to perform basic tasks without pain, such as hold a pen properly or open a bottle. I adapted, but continuously grew frustrated with myself. I am passionate about art, and I couldnt draw without my arm being in burning pain if I was drawing for prolonged periods of time. I wasn't going to give up something I love so dearly, so I prayed every day for over a half a year in desperation.
Finally, on the Friday evening, I gave it one last try. One last burning sesnation shot up my entire hand, then it went extremely cold. I opened my eyes. I walked over to Annabel, and held out my hand to her. We played a thumb-war, and I won. I writhed my thumb in every directon - no pain. I reached out for my boyfriends hand and pressed the back of his palm with it tightly, indicating to him what had just happened - and still no pain. I think that was the first time I've ever cried with happieness before. That evening I was also witness to a deaf man being given back his hearing, and one of my best friends giving himself to Christ.

Now I am home again, I have a new.perspective on things. It was one hell of a week, and as a result, I am perfectly content right about now. I am no longer anxious or scared of anything, and relish the idea of the next challenge that is thrust upon me.

Sorry this was an extremely long-winded one.

Signing off with a smile,

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