Saturday 11 August 2012

Time keeps running away.

Suddenly the end of my long post-high school summer days are on the horizon. Seriously.. WHAT?!

So anyway, I've been productive. Not my usual "lets-plan-and-do-nothing" productiveness in my mind, nor my "work-hard-at-my-education" productive, i mean my until recent months somewhat neglected form of productive - my "creative-outburst-of-awesome" productive.

You see, at the begining of this summer after i had completed my overly infuriating GCSE examinations, i made a concious desicion to not waste the most possible longest summer holiday of my life in which i have the oppertunity to do (within certain boundaries) whatever i would like with little imput from my parents. Therefore, i've been socializing, planning, creating, exploring, practicing, and generally enjoying the absence of utter boredom my new-found motivation has unlocked.

After my last exam, i was slightly at a lose end. I had spent so long focusing on nothing but trying to do my damned hardest to achive the best results possible, that when they were over i didn't know what to do with myself. Therefore i figured, i would do all the things that i had to sacrifice due to my exams. I've let my mind roam free and it's been brilliant.

I've mentioned before about my dyslexia and my tint glasses. Technically speaking, the glasses are for Meares Irlen Syndrome (of which is easier to refer to as MIS, because abreviating it makes it less real and menacing to me), but this "disability" isn't a disability at all for me. I mean yes, my RGB balance of this very computer screen is 50/55/65 but it causes me to think in an entirely different way to the majority of the population. My mind is physically structured to do so, and one of those ways is through creativity, thus i have been producing depictions of emotions and memories in order to both practice and hopefully improve my skills, but also to draw/paint pretty things i can show people and go "look at the prettyness i made!". I may find it difficult to explain things without being able to have time to find the right adjectives to use or gesticulating with my hands but you need only look at a photograph or painting i have produced to illustrate what i mean, how i feel, or indeed in recent months whom i feel for in that inevitably smushy and pheremone-fuelled way.

That's another thing that came about this summer. I've emotionlly attatched myself to another human being, in a way that both scares me and leads me into more over-thinking, yet fascinates me that i physically have the ability to have these emotions that come with. It's quite funny really - precisely a year ago I met the unfortunate induvidual to now be stuck with me, and back then i was oblivious to the outcome of meeting his aquaintance (at Newday infact). I always knew of him, and wanted to talk to him, but never knew quite.. how. Newday gave the perfect environment and excuse. It went from there really.

Speaking of Newday, 2012's starts THIS MONDAY. Monday eve is also a peak for a beautiful meteor shower. Its predicted it'll rain, which by definition SUCKS, but i'll pray for clear deep blue peppered skies, preferably not "pissing it down".

Apologies for the leangthy post. I just had a lot to say this time. I need to pack.

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