Tuesday 22 May 2012

Here Comes the Sun

I had my first serious exam thismorn. It's fair to say I died inside. As far as English goes, for a dyslexic, I'm pretty tank at it. Give me something to argue for or against and I'll blab my way to an asterisk, and as for creative writing and poetry I have ideas and opinions coming out of my ears. Books? If I'm not reading them for pleasure, I despise them. I swear blind they haven't changed the syllabus in at least fifty years. So, studying two shockingly dull "novels" for two years couldn't get much worse.. Right? Wrong. They expect you to answer two questions for 60% of your total mark, both worth 30 marks, on two of the most painfully generic questions that AQA could think of. It's like they spent five minutes thinking it up so they could all leave the office and go out for drinks. This forced me to have to write down in scrupulous detail every possibility and aspect of the book that could get me the marks I needed to not fail. I doubt I succeeded. After the exam, I resentfully went to graphics revision for an hour, then gave up and ran away to my friends house. I stopped by the garage and bought two magnums, and we layed on her front lawn engorging ourselves, soaking up the unusually warm sunlight considering the past week was all cloud and grey. After re-gaining my faith in humanity, I ambled back to school to sneak on the schoolbus home, to which I was greeted by fellow classmates letting loose with Jack Johnson blasting out the tin-sounding speakers on their mobile devices. It seems that I have not yet accepted the fact that things are only going to get worse in the next few weeks, but it was nice how karma could pick the day back up so I will be slowly eased into exams, stress, and heat. At lest its my birthday on Saturday.

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