Tuesday 15 May 2012


Exams are on the horizon. The last of coursework is being handed in this friday. I have three days left of school, including when we dress up and run riot for the last day. I plan to glitter-bomb everything in sight whilst dressed as a Leprechan. Can't wait.

When I write it like that it all sounds so melodramatic, but in my somewhat small shoes, it is all rather a big ordeal. Excitememnt has morphed into anxiety, and back into eager jitters for the unknown. I've been distracting myself by burying my head in music, learning reems of lyrics through turquoise tint glasses, and dabbiling as always on my (conveniently but not planned same shade of turquoise) soprano uke. Despite my ever-hardening fingertips, the cheesewire strings of my dear Dakota slice my fingers open far too frequently. I am however now fully adapted to tuning her by ear. Well, after all, it is only GDGBD..

So whilst the nylon strings of Savannah are frequently creating resonance in her plywood body, my vocal chords also sing out as descretely as possible, in fear of being heard by beings through my bedroom floor. Unknown to my parents, I have been secretly doing one-off performantces in various places and small events around my hometown, mainily taking Electra with me (she has the advantage of being an electro-acousic so where amplifyers are available i can take full advantage). The most popular of which being my cover of Hey Soul Sister where I transposed it down a semitone so it was within my range in my diseased state. Common colds suck.

I am booked into Newday, and have a yearning for swinging among tree-tops. Albie needs a bath, so i shall sign off. Vale.

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