Thursday 17 May 2012


I left high school today. I mean, i go back in tomorrow for Celebration Day (all the year 11s run round in fancy dress and eat BBq, weather providing) so i am going back to the building/grounds, but every classroom i left whilst counting down lessons, i couldnt help but think, "maaan, im never going to set foot in this room again..". Bar a few, today's last lessons consisted of throwing paper airplanes, writing in leavers books, and taking many photographs. Many of which i am pulling demonic faces so i didnt have to suffer the embarrasment of trying to smile and a mugshot being captured instead. Might aswell cut out the middle man, right?

It's going to be odd leaving. I mean, i spent 5 years of my life there. One whole third. It's the place where i made the transition from child to young adult, began to find out who i am, and met some amazing people of whom i will never forget. If anyone is reading this who is my classmate, school-friend or other who was envolved in my school-life, i thank you for making it the blessed memory that it will always remain in my mind.

My brother is home. In pain, but home. Bless him.

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